
Our Moringa Ventures


Australian Nursery Development

The following pictorial gallery are photos of the development of Hop2its nursery in South East Queensland. The company has setup ten (10) 70 metre by 15 metre Hot and Greenhouses. The nursery sits on a 100 acre property with an abundance of spring fed water. The following photos show our development through 2024 in readiness for the spring season when seedling germination and planting will take place.

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Our FIRST Moringa Oleifera Tree Planted at our Hop2it office at Maroochydore in September 2023 from a germinated seed.

We did not use seedling propagation techniques nor fertilizer, as we mimicked natural wild seed gemination from falling seeds from pods.

60 days growth and ready for first “trim” of lower branches and leaf to encourage trunk growth and think foliage from new shoots.

120 days growth and after its first “trim” taken to produce Moringa Powder which sells for up to $50.00 per 100grams.

In July 2024 we totally trimmed this Moringa Tree and transplanted it to the entrance of our Nursery property. In late August the plant started sprouting branches again.

We have planted the branches into separate pots in the nursery. They too have germinated and sprouted new roots and branches. We will show this below.

This is the first trim taken from our first Moringa tree. These leaves gets dried and then powdered into a green health and wellness additive worth a lot of money.

Whole tree growth before its first trrim. In our nursery we would have planted this tree at 60cms into its plantation plot.

240 days growth and dur for its 2nd “trim” for Moringa powder production. Each tree delivers at least 1kg per year.

The true “Tree of Life” as this Morings Tree has survived two trims and a third before transplanting 200 kilometres away in mid winter Queensland.

Photos taken on Tuesday 1st October 2024. Significant growth now coming into Spring. The tree was looked after through the winter dormancy and its branches have aalso been regrowing as new trees.

Commercially, the leaves and small branches are removed with a machine in Australia and with human labour elsewhere. We call this “Trim” from which we process the leaf into Powder for wellness.

Nothing goes to waste. All small branches and twigs are nutrient rich and are used to make pellets when mixed with additives for animal fodder, for cattle, pig, sheep and equine.

The leaf from this trim of such a young Moringa tree less than a year old. We base our projections on a minimum of 2 trims per annum in Australia and 1 kg minimum of leaf per annum per Moringa tree.

Ready for small scale drying.

Small scale dryer.

The total leaf harvest will take two drys at 90 degrees for 90 minutes.

Dried Moringa leaf from our first Australian tree ready for powdering.

Powdering takes minutes and produces a rich green wellness product. These work is being done to test our hybrid seedlings to tree to powder – “Seed to Plate”.

Work in progress. 

Powdering takes 2 minutes to complete all dried leaf. 

At this point the Moringa powder will be screened and placed into clean dry packaging. Commercially this will be done in our factory in a clean drying kitchen and packaging area. 

Philippines Nursery & Plantation  Development

The follow pictorial gallery are photos of the development of Nursery and Plantations in the Philippines. The following photos show our development of Moringa Oleifera trees from seedlings propagated in new locally built nursery infrastructure build with local timbe and labour. You will see provincial people of all ages working and being paid, sometimes for the first time and the joy and security this new business model is creating.

Moringa – “The Tree of Life”

Moringa in many forms is a staple part of the Philippino diet. In the Philippines, Moringa has been called “The Cancer Tree”. Many people are poor and can not afford medical treatment before they are so sick the city steps in. Filippinos use the moringa leaf and eat it raw, or in many foods and drinks. These pictures show a typical flow of selection of a Moringa tree, pick and then strip the leaf, cut the green Moringa seed pods (like cucumber) add vegetables and make a soup or stew. Add fish or meat and rice and they have a nurishing meal.


Mini Plantations for Hop2it Members

Trak-a-Tree Technology