
Carbon Farming Projects

Carbon Farming refers to a variety of agricultural methods that sequester atmospheric carbon in soil, crop vegetation and biomass.

Hop2it Holistic Solutions

Hop2it provides several holistic solutions to assist Landowners to create new revenue by the, (1) Storing carbon in your soils; (2) Planting native trees and shrubs (Native Forest); (3) Managing stock to allow native forest to regrow; (4) Beef Herd Improvement – reducing methane; and (5) the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated crops.

Diverse New Income

Hop2it can assist you to set up your Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) project. When it has generated carbon abatement, you can apply for Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) which can then be sold to the Clean Energy Regulator, or Hop2it can assist you to sell them on the secondary market.

Get an Obligation FREE Evaluation of Your Carbon Projects

Upon receipt of your Enquiry Form, Hop2it will provide you with a Carbon Abatement Joint Venture Partnership Agreement. Hop2it will then act on your behalf with the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator and assist you to develop a Carbon Abatement Program for your property. Hop2it will assist you to move to emission compliance whilst creating new taxable income from your land through the sale of Carbon Credit Units.

Our Carbon Services

Hop2it is an Aggregator and provides a range of services that support Landholders participation in the Emissions Reduction Fund. We manage carbon projects for Landowners and also set up our own afforestation programs in Australia.

Carbon Farming Projects

Carbon Farming is simply farming in a way that reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions or captures and holds carbon in vegetation and soils. Hop2it provides consultancy to Landowners to setup and commence Carbon Farming to create a diverse new income.

Deforestation Avoidance Programs

Hop2it works with Landowners to promote agricultural planning and production that avoids tree-clearing, advocating stronger biodiversity to protect Australian rural habitat. In parallel we campaign for a halt to deforestation across the Asia-Pacific.

Rural Afforestation Programs

A reforestation and afforestation project involves planting trees in agricultural areas. In doing so, the project helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas entering the atmosphere, as carbon stock remains stored in the trees while they grow.


Current Carbon Projects

Hop2it Australian Carbon Projects

We have added another 26 new Carbon Abatement Projects since COP26 which have a projected number of 5,072,357 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) for sale to industry.

Our Points of Difference

Hop2it management has experience​ in the Carbon Abatement Industry since 1997. The company has high level experience in seven (7) countries and governance to an ISO standard. You can be confident in our company’s ability to partner with you to both manage your Carbon Project and maximise the Australian Carbon Credit Units available for on sale to domestic and international Off takers.


Hop2it management have been working in the Carbon Abatement Industry since 1997. From software development to physical and arial mapping of vegetation, Hop2it staff have the experience and intellectual property to provide top quality service to your carbon project.


Our company creates project benchmarks by engaging the latest technology in Lidar 3D Radar, drone and boots on the ground, to determine initial green tonnage. Ongoing mapping is provided to increase yield by accuracy of actual vegetation measurements.

Project Management

Carbon Projects require a partnership between the Landowner and Hop2it. Our company can project manage the weight of departmental paperwork as well as maintain the accuracy of annual vegetation mapping required by Governments to accurately farm Carbon Credit Units.

Carbon Credit Sales

Hop2it is partnered with MainStreet Renewables which also provides access to Blockchain based Carbon Credit sales and validity systems. From a Singapore base, Hop2it can command the highest prices for Carbon Credit Units on the international market and ensure the integrity of each Carbon Credit Unit sold.

Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs)

Australia operates a unique Carbon and Emissions Reduction Program maintained by the Australian Federal Government. Hop2it Participates With Landowners and Manages Significant Acrage of Australian Rural Land for this purpose.

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